The Influence of Office Facilities and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Motivation (Study Of Land Law Relations Section / HHP In BPN Bekasi City)


  • Isnaini Rahmawati Master of Management Study Program Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta
  • Partogi Saoloan Samosir Master of Management Study Program Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta
  • Suharto Master of Management Study Program Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta

Kata Kunci:

Office Facilities, Work Environment, motivation


This study aims to find and analyze the influence of office facilities and work environment on employee performance through work motivation (study of land legal relations section / hhp at the Bekasi City BPN office). The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method. The sample used was 76 respondents. The sampling technique used a simple random sampling technique. The analysis tool used was SPSS24 regression. The findings of the study were: 1). Office Facilities have no significant effect on Work Motivation. 2). Work Environment affects Work Motivation. 3). Work Motivation affects Employee Performance. 4). Office Facilities affect Employee Performance. 5). Work Environment affects Employee Performance. 6). There is an influence of Work Motivation on Employee Performance at the Bekasi City BPN Office. The t-count value on the Work Motivation variable is 2.421 with a significance level of 0.018. Because the t-count value of 2.421> t-table value of 1.666 and a significance level of 0.018 <significant probability a = 0.05. 7). Office Facilities, Work Environment and Work Motivation Influence Employee Performance


